Saturday, 12 February 2011

Monthly Themes

Hey guys! I've been recently thinking that I could do monthly themes for you guys, and I'll try to make designs in every aspect of the doll (hair, clothes, poses, etc.). I was also thinking that I could host a contest to do with the theme (You don't have to use my designs though, it's just for fun!). This is just a trial - if I find out that I don't actually get much time to create the theme, or that nobody is interested, I won't continue with people suggesting themes, although I would like to continue with the monthly themes anyway.

I'd love for you guys to suggest the first theme though, so leave your suggestion below, or in the Comments box at the side (More like a chatbox), or even PM me or post on my profile! Once I get enough suggestions, I'll add up and find the most popular idea (if there's more than one most popular idea, there will be a poll on the A & C forums for you to vote). Then I'll create the actual theme and that will be posted on here and at

So suggest an idea now! Don't be afraid :)

Heth ;)

I've also put the Backgrounds page back up, and rearranged my blog a bit. Hopefully I'll make some backgrounds soon!


  1. I love your hairs and i was wondering if you could do somw lolita hairs.Please...

  2. Thank you! Well since you've suggested Lolita, instead of just making the hairs, I was going to do clothes, poses, etc. too! But of course, I'll only be doing the most popular theme suggested, so try and suggest more than one thing, and it doesn't have to be your own idea, you can look at other people's ideas too and if you like them, suggest them as well so you can get that theme made :)

  3. Yay! Thanks Hethxxx.
    Ohhh What about fairy kei and anime cosplays?

  4. Hmm.. I Was Thinking maybe A Type Of Victorian Type theme.. Those are Always Fun! Or maybe ( just for the fun of it ) You could have each month a different animal! like say January a panda.. February a giraffe.. March a lion.. etc. ^^

    - White_Wolf

  5. forgot to add this one - Or maybe different countries? ^^

    - White_Wolf

  6. SuperGlamorousGirl!!21 February 2011 at 18:47

    Oh wow your idea is great :D
    It's coming to my mind right now something retro like 70's or 80's! I always loved those styles ^^
    Well, if I think of Something else, I'll make you know


  7. Maybe Prom dresses, or 80's? :D Or 80 years ago clothes! :D


  8. Krinka and Trillyke have both suggested a Pirate theme, and MackiesMommy suggested a spring theme :)

    I'm not going to add up the most popular suggestion, I'm going to put up a poll on the Missbimbo A & C, so look there soon! Please don't suggest anymore ideas for this month :)

    There are only 10 places on the poll, so I will use a random number generator to pick the top ten :)
