Hey! So, I've been quite busy this month, what with computers breaking, homework, being sick and hosting my contest.. Anyways, I'm still trying to upload those new dresses to my shop, and I may upload them here, too. I really need to sort it out, but if I can't get to them, then I may have to re-draw them :/
Anyways, after the drama of today (being sick), I just want to go to sleep, but that would mean it's closer to going to school tomorrow. So, it's all great for me! Sorry guys, no edits either, Photoshop isn't on this laptop. I may do the odd one now and then, but I'm really busy lately, even if I don't know how.
I really can't believe how many people have actually entered mine and MysteriousPanda's contest! It's going to be really hard to choose, although I have one person in mind for the winner ;) Thank you to everyone who entered, you've finally got my confidence up with hosting contests, seen as last time only six people (or was it five??...) entered.
Yeah. Fail.
It's nearly over now, though. Judging them is the hard part! Be ready for the results soonies xD
Anyway! As you may have noticed, I've added a nice, LONG list of designers and friends, with thanks to Bimbobin for that list, although I did find some by myself. If you're not on that list and you want to be, PM through MB or Bimbobin ;)
Okay.. What next.... Oh yeah!
Any ideas for designs are good to me, I've asked this before in my shop, but with broken computers, I've lost the list I made, and I'm too lazy to go back to my shop and make a list again, lol!
And also, if any of you need help with ANYTHING at all, I will gladly help as much as I can, but how much depends on how busy I am with homework or school, or even my social life (yes, I have one.. I think)!
So, adieu for now, mes amis!
Heth ;)
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